Super Sticky Notes
This greenfield project used multiple components to build a sticky note UI. Users can add, delete, edit, and search for notes. Whatever the user types on the notes is saved to their local storage, so if they close or refresh the app, their notes are saved.
Skills: React, JSX, ES6, Managing data flow
Tools: CodeSandbox, Props, State
"Dinosauria" was my first-ever group project! We were tasked with building an enjoyable and educational site within six weeks. It features a dinosaur of the day, charts, an interactive map, an index you can search dynamically, and some hidden features!
Skills: Vanilla JavaScript, JSON, HTML5, Sass, CSS3, Visual Studio Code Live Share
Tools: Vite, Mapbox, Git, GitHub, Chrome DevTools, Discord
GitHub Repo Gallery
This project is a gallery of all the repos on my GitHub profile. It lists all of my repos and updates every time a new repo is added. It uses GitHub's API to pull data from my GitHub portfolio. Visitors can click on any repo to see more details about it.
Skills: API's, Manipulating the DOM
Tools: GitHub Pages, Rest API
Developer Skills
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- React
- Git
- Bootstrap